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Data source connection status

The report shows the connection status of all selected data sources. Also, configuration information about connections is shown. If the option 'Perform ping' is activated, data sources are contacted via network. The login using login data provided in RFC destinations and DB connections completes the connection process. If the connection process fails, data sources are identified as currently not available via network.

Data sources connection status.png

  1. Select data sources.

  2. Enter number for type of data source.

    To see available numbers with description, click on Select data.png.

    Select number for type of data source and click on Accept.png.

  3. Enter number for connection status.

    To see available numbers with description, click on Select data.png.

    Select number for connection status and click on Accept.png.

  4. If required, activate checkbox.

  5. If the report is executed in background, select notifications and receiver lists.

  6. Click on Execute.png.