Load data from ABAP systems
The report loads data from ABAP systems via an RFC connection depending on the selected ABAP data sources and further options.
Some options are activated by default. The 'System data' option cannot be modified because data about system details are always loaded. The 'Only dialog users', 'Only current valid users', and 'USSM license type systematic' can be set to always activated and not editable in Customizing.
It is recommended to load user master data and periodic data (CCMS statistics data and change document, Digital Document estimation, IDoc and batch input data) on a regular basis (preferably once a month).
To use the selection for only license-relevant users in reports, you must activate the 'Roles and authorizations' and 'USMM license type systematic' checkboxes when loading data.
Activate or deactivate required options for non-periodic data.
'Only roles' can be activated to avoid data overload from full authorization data.
If data type 'User master data' is deactivated, the option 'Only currently valid users' is not available for selection.
If 'Digital Access measurement' is selected, optionally enter the begin date of the measurement.
To measure Digital Documents, the support packages including SAP Passport must be installed on the systems.
Digital Documents can only be measured from the point in time when SAP Passport is installed on the systems. It is not possible to measure Digital Documents that were created before this time.
When Digital Access measurement data is reloaded, only the delta of the data is loaded. In order to load all existing Digital Access measurement data, activate checkbox 'Refresh data'.
For periodic data, select relative specification or absolute specification.
If relative specification is selected, select current month or previous month and leave preset two past months or enter another number.
If absolute specification is selected, enter period in the format 'MM.YYYY'.
If 'Load CCMS statistics data' stays activated, select task type. If module information or external accesses is not required, deactivate checkboxes.
If required, activate checkboxes to load change document, Digital Access estimation, IDoc, or batch input data.
If required, deactivate checkbox 'USMM license type systematic'.
noteWith the help of a report, the USMM license type systematic can alternatively be applied to the user data or removed from the user data only after the data has been loaded.
If data is loaded in batch mode, enter notifications and receiver lists for success and error cases.
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