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Load data

The report loads data from Java-UME systems via an RFC connection depending on the selected Java-UME data sources and further options. Some options are activated by default. All options can be modified except the data type 'System data' because data about system details are always loaded.


It is recommended to load user master data on a regular basis (preferably once a month).

Java UME systems data load.png

Messages in batch mode.png

  1. Select Java-UME data sources.

  2. Activate or deactivate required options for data types.


    If data type 'User master data' is deactivated, the option 'Only currently valid users' is not available for selection.

  3. If data is loaded in batch mode, enter notifications and receiver lists for success and error cases.

    To see available entries, click on Select data.png.

    Select entry and click on Accept.png.

  4. Click on Execute.png.