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Change lists

Change lists contain recently recorded and unprocessed changes to user master data as results of requesting user master data changes in reports and rule set executions. After the transfer, change lists hold a complete audit trail of all modifications carried out. Successfully processed data, data processed with errors, and invalidated previously recorded data are shown in separate tabs. To process changes to user master data offline, offline files of change lists can be created and used by Snow Optimizer Offline Tool.


Once changes are processed, they cannot be undone.

In a Supermaster system, change lists can be transferred to the connected Submaster systems. The transferred change lists can then be processed in the Submaster system.


Transfer of change lists must be activated on the Submaster systems in Submaster configuration.

Change lists can be created in advance to rule set executions, selected there, and are filled with data as rule sets are executed. Change lists can also be maintained, processed, and transferred to the change list archive.

The processing status can be displayed by different icons.

Unprocessed.pngChange list contains unprocessed changes to user master data.
Partly processed.pngChange list contains partly processed changes to user master data.
Completely processed.pngChange list contains completely processed changes to user master data.

To assure revision security, change lists cannot be deleted when they have the status 'Completely processed'.


An automatically created change list is identified by the prefix AUTO.