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Contract management

Contract management provides contract information regarding licensed SAP products and costs. By using this information, compliance analyses can be carried out here or in Results of rule set execution.

The best practice for using the contract management in Snow Optimizer is as follows:

  1. All licensed SAP products must be created in Products. Metric, block size and other information like product name and type can be maintained for each product. The inventory of engines with multiple units can be calculated in Formula editor for products.

  2. Frame contracts, license contracts, and the contract hierarchy are created in Contracts. Within license contracts, the number of products and prices are maintained. License contracts and products can be assigned to organizational units. If products within a license contract are no longer used, these can be terminated in whole or in part.

  3. Some products, in particular engines, cannot be measured automatically. The number of these products can be maintained manually in Self-declarations.

  4. Finally, the number of purchased licenses and the associated costs are compared with the actually measured and self-declared numbers in Compliance analysis. The results of the compliance analysis can be saved and exported.