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Change contract

  1. In contracts, click on Switch to change mode.png.

  2. Move cursor on an existing contract and click right mouse button.

  3. In context menu, click on 'Change'.

  4. In a frame contract, make required changes regarding evaluation date, name, description, and 'Base data', 'Free text', and 'Documents' tabs.

    In a license contract, make required changes regarding name, description, and tabs 'Base data', 'Products', 'Free text', and 'Documents' tabs.

  5. To save changes, press CTRL**+S**.

What can be changed in 'Base data' tab

  • Frame contract:

    1. Change evaluation date.

      To recalculate frame contract values for changed evaluation date, click on Recalculate_values.png.


      Only the values of items of assigned license contracts that are valid on the evaluation date are calculated. Values of items of expired contracts are set to zero.

    2. Change contract begin date and end date.

    3. Change currency.

    4. Change assignment.

  • License contract:

    1. Change contract begin date and end date.

    2. Change currency.

    3. Change assignment.

    4. Change calculation of maintenance base.

What can be changed in 'Products' tab

  • License contract:

    • Change item

      1. Mark row of item and click on Details1.png.

      2. Make required changes.


        To maintain product, click on btn_product-en.png.

      3. Click on SAP navigation back.png.

    • Delete item

      Mark row of item and click on Delete1.png.

What can be changed in 'Free text' tab

  • Frame contract and license contract:

    1. Place cursor in text field.

    2. Enter additional text or change existing text.

What can be changed in 'Documents' tab

  • Frame contract and license contract:

    1. To add another contract document, click on Add.png.

    2. To delete contract document, mark row and click on Delete.png.

    3. To cut contract document, mark row and click on Cut.png.

    4. To swap contract documents, mark two rows and click on Swap.png.