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RFC and HTTP access overview

The report shows an overview of system access from and to external systems by using RFC or HTTP connections. This overview is an aggregation of results from the other external access reports to facilitate an easier evaluation of all results.


  1. Select data sources.

  2. Enter remote host.

  3. Select monthly period.

  4. Click on Execute.png.

The result provides data about RFC access from and to external as well as HTTP access to external in the respective tabs, aggregated by remote hosts.

Functions available within tabs:

  • To see details, mark row and click on Details1.png.

    • To see user details, mark row and click on User details.png.

      • To change user master data, mark row and click on Change user master data.png.

    • To see consumption details, mark row and click on Consumption details.png.

    • To see change document details, mark row and click on Change document details.png.