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OpenText license report

The report shows information about the usage of OpenText installations on selected ABAP data sources and allows centralized license monitoring. The OpenText license report within Snow Optimizer is equivalent to the license report of version 9.8 - 10.0 delivered by OpenText.

  1. Select ABAP data sources.

  2. Select aggregation scheme.

  3. Select license type hierarchy.

  4. Click on Execute.png.

The OpenText license report provides data organized in several tabs. Tab 'Archives' shows found archives. Tab 'Projects' shows used projects. Tab 'Contractual users' shows number of OpenText users as a breakdown of their license types. In the non-aggregated case, there is an additional breakdown of ArchiveLink and DocuLink usage. Tab 'Archive Aggregation' shows number of ArchiveLink users as a breakdown of their license types. Tab 'DocuLink Aggregation' shows number of DocuLink users as a breakdown of their license types. Tab 'Technical Users' shows number of technical users as a breakdown of their user types and ArchiveLink and DocuLink usage. Tab 'User Details' shows individual users and their details.