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Change documents profile analysis

The report shows created change documents on selected ABAP data sources when they match defined objects (transactions and change document object classes) in usage profiles. Depending on the selected option in section 'Type of report', the report shows different information: If 'Number of non-profile TCodes' is selected, the number of transactions not defined in a usage profile is listed. If 'Number of profile TCodes' is selected, the report shows the number of transactions defined in a usage profile. If 'Number non-profile ObjClasses' is selected, the report shows change document object classes not defined in a usage profile. If 'Number profile ObjClasses' is selected, the report shows change document object classes defined in a usage profile.


More about Usage profiles.

Change document profile analysis.png

  1. Enter usage profile.

    To see available usage profiles, click on Select data.png.

    Select usage profile and click on Accept.png.

  2. Select an option.

  3. Select ABAP data sources.

  4. Select ABAP users.

    Select valid or valid and invalid users.

  5. Select monthly period.

  6. Select aggregation scheme.

  7. Select license type hierarchy.

  8. If the report is executed in background, select notifications and receiver lists.

  9. Click on Execute.png .

The resulting table provides information about users aggregated in groups, consolidated license types, and the selected option regarding usage profiles.

Functions available:

  • To see user details, mark row and click on User details.png.

  • To see change document details, mark row and click on Change document details.png.

  • To change user master data, mark row and click on Change user master data.png.