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Role usage analysis

The report shows information about usage of assigned roles on a selected ABAP data source. The report is based on loaded user data, role data, and CCMS statistics data. Checkboxes to define criteria for roles are activated by default: 'Only roles with assigned users' filters results by roles which were assigned to users. 'Single roles only with profile' filters results by single roles which have a profile assigned. 'No empty composite roles' filters results by composite roles which contain single roles. To get an informative result, it is required to select a defined ABAP role classification.


Role usage analysis.png

Role usage analysis1.png

  1. Select ABAP data source.


    For performance reasons, it is recommended to select only one ABAP data source at once.

  2. Enter role, user name, and transaction code.

    If required, deactivate checkboxes.

  3. Select valid or valid and invalid users

  4. Select monthly period.

  5. Enter ABAP role classification and license type hierarchy.

    To see available entries, click on Select data.png.

    Select entries and click on Accept.png.

  6. Click on Execute.png.

The result provides a 'Statistics' and a 'Details' tab. The 'Statistics' tab shows the number of roles used by users in percent and the number of roles utilized by transactions in percent as simple graphs.

The 'Details' tab shows roles on ABAP data sources. Composite roles are indicated by an activated checkbox. In addition, following information is shown for each role:

  • Number of connected roles

  • License type SAP

  • License type Snow Optimizer

  • Number of assigned users

  • Number of assigned users using the role

  • Percentage of assigned users using the role

  • Number of transaction codes in the role

  • Number of used transaction codes

  • Percentage of used transaction codes

Function available in 'Details' tab:

  • Select 'Expanded view' to show transaction codes in roles individually. Used transactions are indicated by an activated checkbox. Select 'Compact view' to switch to aggregated view of transaction codes.

  • To see more information about users using transactions of roles, mark row and click on User.png.

    To see consumption details or to change user master data within user, mark row and click on Consumption details.png or Change user master data.png.