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Activated Business Functions

The report shows all existing Business Functions on selected ABAP data sources.

Activated business functions.png

  1. Select ABAP data sources.

  2. Enter Business Function.

    To see Business Functions with description, click on Select data.png.

    Select Business Function and click on Accept.png.

  3. Enter type of Business Function.

    To see available types, click on Select data.png.

    Select a type and click on Accept.png.

  4. Enter activation date.

    To open calendar, click on Select data.png.

    Select date and click on Accept.png.

  5. If the report is executed in background, select notifications and receiver lists.

  6. Click on Execute.png.

The resulting table provides Business Functions, Business Function types, how many of the same Business Function was found, and which Business Function is activated.

Function available:

  • To see details, mark row and click on Details1.png.