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Matrix users & data sources

The report shows activities of users and data sources depending on the entered data regarding data sources, users and user inactivity, aggregation, and consolidation.

Options are available for selection to see a user's activity status filtered by the date of last logon or CPU consumption. 90 days since last logon and 2 months since last CPU consumption are set by default. Additionally, representation options are available to select how much information about the data sources is presented.

User matrix and data sources.png

  1. Select data sources.

  2. Select users.

    Select valid or valid and invalid users.

  3. Select aggregation scheme.

  4. Select license type hierarchy.

  5. Select option for user inactivity.

    Leave preset 90 days or 2 months or enter another number.

  6. Select option for column representation.

  7. If the report is executed in background, select notifications and receiver lists.

  8. Click on Execute.png.

The resulting table shows if users were active on selected data sources within the selected time period. Activities are indicated by Active user.png and inactivity is indicated by Inactive user.png

Function available within tabs:

  • To see user details, mark row and click on User details.png.

    To see consumption details within user details in tab 'ABAP systems', mark row and click on Consumption details.png.

    To change user master data within user details in tabs 'ABAP systems', 'Java-UME systems', and 'HANA systems', mark row and click on Change user master data.png.