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Historical trend

The report shows the historical trend of licenses assigned to users. Numbers are based on results of rule set execution on a specific date or within a period of time. These results provide the measured current or the recommended situation.

Results of rule set execution temporal development.png

  1. Enter date or period of time.

    To open calendar, click on Select data.png.

    Select date and click on Accept.png.

  2. Enter rule set name.

    To see available rule sets, click on Select data.png.

    Select rule set and click on Accept.png.

  3. Select option.

  4. Click on Execute.png.

The table shows the rule set result description, status of rule set execution, rule set name and description, date, time, and user processed the rule set.

Results of rule set execution temporal development1.png

  1. Mark row of rule set result.

  2. To see chart of historical trend, click on Chart.png.

    Number of users and days/time of rule set execution are shown and how many users had one of the displayed license types assigned.

    If license type combinations exist, select option to show or resolve them.

  3. To go back to table, click on SAP navigation back.png.

  4. To switch to single result view, click on Single results.png.