Rule set execution
When a rule set is executed, the aggregation scheme is applied to the data first. Afterward, local rules are executed, and the license type hierarchy is applied to the data. Global rules are executed last.
Local and global rules are executed in the exact same order as they were listed in Rule sets.
For a rule set execution, an existing and activated rule set can be selected, and more criteria can be applied to specify compared data.
Depending on the system environment, it is recommended to process very complex rule sets running across a large number of systems in the background to avoid a timeout.
If the selected rule set has local rules that use protected single usage profiles, License Intelligence templates must be licensed to execute the rule set.
Click on
Select rule set and click on
If the rule set contains local rules, that contain conditions with option for entry in selection screen, enter condition values.
Enter description.
Select valid or valid and invalid users.
Leave checkbox for users relevant for licensing activated or deactivate it.
For ABAP systems, all dialogue users and technical users with a manually assigned license type are licensing-relevant. SAP standard users, like SAP* or WF-BATCH, are not licensing-relevant. For individual users, the license-relevance can be seen in all reports in which user master data is listed: Users with class type ‘N’ and ‘X’ are not licensing-relevant, but all other users.
License-relevance only applies to SAP licensing. In Snow Optimizer, all currently valid users must be licensed.
To use the selection for only license-relevant users, you must activate the 'Roles and authorizations' and 'USMM license type systematic' checkboxes when loading data.
If 'Absolute specification' option for monthly period is selected in the report selection screen, the periods selected in the condition values of the local rules have priority.
Leave checkbox for record in change list deactivated or activate it.
If checkbox was activated, click on
Select change list and click on
To create new change list, enter name and activate checkbox to automatically generate new change list.
Leave checkbox 'Process after creation' deactivated or activate it.
noteIf 'Process after creation' is activated, modifications in the change list are immediately transferred to connected systems. The purpose of this function is to execute changes in batch mode at regular intervals after an automatic rule set execution.
Automatically processed changes cannot be undone.
Click on