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License type hierarchies

Access through: Cross-functional objects > License type hierarchies

License type hierarchies are among the cross-functional objects in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. You can use license type hierarchies to consolidate and recommend license types in report executions and rule set executions.


A license type hierarchy defines the license types that are included in other license types. The license types that are part of a license type hierarchy can have direct relations and indirect relations. You can create new license type hierarchies and change existing license type hierarchies.


As a starting point, you find predefined templates for the most common license type hierarchies in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.

Direct relations

There is a direct relation between license types if one license type is included in another license type (one-to-one relation).

Indirect relations

There is an indirect relation between license types if direct relations between license types result in further license types being included in one license type.


Example for an indirect relation

A license type hierarchy has two direct relations:

  • License type 52 includes license type 53

  • License type 53 includes license type 54

In this case, license type 52 also includes license type 54, so the relation "License type 52 includes license type 54" is also valid. This relation is an indirect relation and is shown in the All Relations tab of the license type hierarchy.