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Access through: Administration > Template manager

As a starting point for creating objects, Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software has templates for the most common objects like rules, aggregation schemes, or products.


The templates are predefined and delivered with the Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software software package. You can use the templates after installing the template data in the Template manager. The templates either cover common scenarios or serve as examples to create customized objects. You can use these templates as they are or use them to create new objects.


You cannot edit the delivered templates. To change a template, create a copy.

You can recognize templates as such in a list of entries by the fact that the Template checkbox is activated, and in an object detail view by the Template icon.png icon.

  • This topic describes the standard templates of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. There is separate documentation for the optional License Intelligence templates. License Intelligence templates include rule, rule set, and usage profile templates for ECC, S/4HANA, and S/4HANA Cloud (FUE) licenses. These templates are not delivered with the Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software standard. You can purchase them for an additional fee and request them in the Snow Support Portal.

  • Templates may be updated with a new software version of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. After an update, you can use the Template manager to check for new templates and install them if necessary.

Overview of the templates that are delivered with Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software:

Local rule templates

Local rule templates


    This local rule applies the default license type of the SAP system to all users.


    This local rule applies developer license type 55 to all developer users.


    This local rule applies test license type 91 to all users who did not log in for at least 90 days.

Aggregation rule templates

Aggregation rule templates


    This aggregation rule aggregates users based on the user ID.


    During an import of user accounts from SAP, a special user ID is created in BusinessObjects. This aggregation rule aggregates created users in BusinessObjects with the original users in SAP.


    This aggregation rule aggregates users based on the first and last name of users.


    This aggregation rule aggregates users based on the email address of users.

Aggregation scheme templates

Aggregation scheme templates


    This aggregation scheme uses the aggregation rule template USER_ID.


    This aggregation scheme uses the aggregation rule template USER_ID_BO.SAPR3.


    This aggregation scheme uses the aggregation rule template FIRST_LAST_NAME.


    This aggregation scheme uses the aggregation rule template EMAIL.

License type hierarchy templates

License type hierarchy templates


    This license type hierarchy consolidates license types in the way the SAP License Administration Workbench does. If two license types cannot be consolidated, an empty license type results. In the license balance, this appears as a user who has no (consolidated) license type.


    This license type hierarchy consolidates license types exactly in the way the SAP License Administration Workbench does. If two license types cannot be consolidated, the result is a combination of those two license types. In the license balance, the consolidated license type might appear as a combination of several license types.


The consolidated license type is always the most valuable type assigned to a user, for example Professional + ESS equals Professional as the consolidated license type to cover the full usage.


You can use the license type hierarchy templates unchanged if they fulfill all requirements of the LAW standard. If license types of the license type hierarchy differ slightly from the LAW standard, you can copy a template and use the copy as a basis to develop a specific license type hierarchy. If license types of license type hierarchy differ significantly from the LAW standard, we recommend that you create a completely new license type hierarchy.

Rule set templates

Rule set templates


    This rule set uses all local rule templates, the aggregation scheme template USER_ID, and license type hierarchy template LAW_STANDARD.

Duplicate rule templates

Duplicate rule templates


    This duplicate rule searches for users who have identical email addresses.


    This duplicate rule searches for users who have similar user IDs.


    This duplicate rule searches for users who have swapped their first and last names.

Product templates

Product templates

In Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software, there are templates for various SAP products. The names of these product templates consist of a prefix for Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software (SOS_) followed by the abbreviation of the corresponding SAP price list and the ID of the corresponding SAP license type with the prefix LT_.

The abbreviations of the SAP price lists in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software product template names are as follows:

  • APP_: SAP Applications

  • BS_: SAP Business Suite

  • CPL_: SAP Software Component Price List

  • HEM_: SAP HANA Enterprise Management

  • IS_: Individual Solutions

Example for product template name: Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software, SAP price list SAP Business Suite, and SAP license type DH = SOS_BS_LT_DH


For easy identification of own created products, use a self-selected prefix followed by the same naming conventions for SAP price list and SAP license type as in the templates.