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Results of compliance analysis

Access through: Contract management > Compliance > Results compliance check

You can show and export the saved results of the Compliance analysis.

Single results

This view shows the saved results of the compliance analysis report as a list. In the details of a compliance analysis result, you can change the description and export group.

  1. To show the details of a compliance analysis result, select the row and select Details.png.

  2. To delete a compliance analysis result, select the row and select Delete2.png.

File export

The report exports a single or the last result of the compliance analysis report. You can save exported results as a CSV or JSON file on an application server or front-end. Additionally, you can export a list of all saved results.

  1. Select a single result, the last result, or a list of available results.

    If you select a single result, select Select data.png to select a compliance analysis result.

  2. Select the export group.

  3. Select CSV or JSON format.


    If you select CSV, the separator is set to comma by default.

  4. Select the application server or front-end.

    If you select application server, select Select data.png to select the server and path. If required, change the file name.

    If you select front-end, select Select data.png to select the path and enter the file name.

  5. Select Execute.png.