Results of cost allocations
Access through: Cost allocation > Results of cost allocation
Results of cost allocation is a part of the cost allocation feature in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. It lists the results of cost allocation executions in a table.
In the results table, you can find a result under the name you entered as the description in the execute cost allocations report. By double-clicking on a result, details of the result are shown in a Result and Protocol data tab.
You can select whether this tab shows the result as a table or a simple graph. To refresh the values in the tab, select . The content of the tab depends on the cost allocation type of the cost allocation schema that you selected in the execution report.
Cost allocation type User license type consolidated (aggregated)
The tab shows the aggregated number of license types allocated to cost carriers.
By selecting Cost of license types and an SAP license contract, the tab shows the costs of license types allocated to cost carriers. The tab also shows the name, description, and evaluation date of the contract. The evaluation date is the date of the cost allocation execution. If necessary, you can change the date and recalculate values by selecting
noteYou can define a default license contract in the Default SAP license contract setting in Contract and compliance.
Cost allocation type User license type local (non-aggregated)
The tab shows the non-aggregated number of license types allocated to cost carriers.
Cost allocation types User (aggregated) or User (non-aggregated)
The tab shows the aggregated or non-aggregated number of users allocated to cost carriers.
Cost allocation types CPU time consumption (aggregated) or CPU time consumption (non-aggregated)
The tab shows the aggregated or non-aggregated number of CPU seconds allocated to cost carriers.
Cost allocation types Dialog steps (aggregated) or Dialog steps (non-aggregated)
The tab shows the aggregated or non-aggregated number of dialog steps allocated to cost carriers.
Protocol data
This tab gives detailed information about the cost allocation execution:
The Cost allocation schema tab shows information about the used cost allocation schema. To show a detailed view of the used cost allocation schema, select Show.
The Cost carrier hierarchy tab shows information about the used cost carrier hierarchy. To show the detailed view of the used cost carrier hierarchy, select Show.
The User data tab shows information about all users and the users on different system types.
The Execution parameters tab shows information about the selected execution parameters.
The Allocation log tab shows tabs with an overview of allocated costs to cost carriers and a breakdown of allocated costs to groups or users.
To ensure revision security, the detailed view of the cost carrier hierarchy and the cost allocation schema shows a copy of the original object with the values at the time the report was executed. You cannot change it.