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Manage contracts

Access through: Contract management > Contracts

In preparation for a compliance analysis in the contract management of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software, you can create and change frame contracts and license contracts. If an SAP product of a license contract is no longer used, you can terminate the product in whole or in part.

Create contract

  1. Select Switch to change mode.png.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create the very first contract, right-click on the empty area.

    • To create more contracts, right-click on an existing contract.

  3. In the context menu, select Create, select Frame contract or License contract, and the position to insert.

  4. In a frame contract, leave the current evaluation date or enter another date.


    Only the values of items of assigned license contracts that are valid on the evaluation date are calculated. Values of items of expired contracts are set to zero.

  5. Enter the name and description for the new contract.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • In a frame contract, extract the required data from the original contract and enter the data in the Base data tab.

    • In a license contract, extract the required data from the original contract and enter the data in the Base data and Products tabs.

      Enter more information in the Free text tab.

      Upload contract documents in the Documents tab.

  7. Save.

  8. Repeat the earlier steps until you added all required contracts, and the contracts contain the required data.

What you can enter in the Base data tab:

  • Frame contract

    1. Enter the contract start date and end date.

    2. Enter the currency.

  • License contract

    1. Enter the contract start date and end date.

    2. Enter the currency.

    3. Select the assignment

    4. Select the base for calculating the maintenance amount of the contract items.

      • If you select Calculated active maintenance base, the maintenance base is calculated for each item in the contract based on the order value of the respective product.

      • If you select Manual maintenance base on header level, the maintenance base is calculated based on the value you enter here manually. This maintenance amount is distributed proportionally to the items in the contract.

      • If you select Manual maintenance base on position level, the maintenance base is calculated on the maintenance base maintained individually for each item in the contract.

What you can enter in the Products tab:

  • License contract

    1. To create an item, select Add1.png.

    2. In the pop-up, select the row of a product and select Accept.png.

      • You must create products in Products.

      • Each contract should contain an item of the type Maintenance on-premises.

    3. In the pop-up, select the license model and do one of the following:

      • If you select the license model Perpetual, enter the number of licensed blocks, price per block, and order value and select the assignment.

      • If you select the license model Subscription, enter the number of licensed blocks, order value, start date and end date, price per block/period, and period and select the assignment.

        • The start date and end date of subscription products may differ from the start date and end date of the contract.

        • If the product type is Maintenance on-premises, the values are automatically calculated based on the maintenance base of the license contract. You cannot make entries. You can manually adjust the maintenance base in the Base data tab.


      To maintain a product, select btn_product-en.png.

    4. Select SAP navigation back.png.

    5. If required, add more items.

  • The Overview product types tab shows an overview of the aggregated numbers per product type.

  • In a frame contract, the All positions tab shows an overview of the single, non-aggregated items in all subordinate license contracts. The End date by frame contract column shows whether the end date of an item is determined by a parent frame contract.

  • To show all subordinated license contracts that contain a specific product of a frame contract, double-click on the product in the Products tab of the frame contract.

What you can enter in the Free text tab:

  • Frame contract and license contract

    1. Place cursor in the text field.

    2. Enter the text.

What you can enter in the Documents tab:

  • Frame contract and license contract

    1. Select Add.png.

    2. Enter a description.

      To navigate to the directory, select Select data.png.

      Select the file and select Open.

      Select Add document.png and approve access to the file.

    3. To view the uploaded document, select the row and select View document.png


In a frame contract, the All documents tab shows an overview of the documents in all subordinate license contracts.

Change contract

  1. Select Switch to change mode.png.

  2. Move the cursor on an existing contract and right-click.

  3. In the context menu, select Change.

  4. In a frame contract, make the required changes regarding evaluation date, name, description, and Base data, Free text, and Documents tabs.

    To recalculate the frame contract values for a changed evaluation date, select Recalculate_values.png.

    In a license contract, make the required changes regarding name, description, and Base data, Products, Free text, and Documents tabs.

  5. Save.

What you can change in the Base data tab:

  • Frame contract

    • Contract start date and end date

    • Currency

  • License contract

    • Contract start date and end date

    • Currency

    • Assignment

    • Calculation of maintenance base

What you can change in the Products tab:

  • License contract

    • Change item

      1. Select the row of the item and select Details1.png.

      2. Select the required changes.

      3. Select SAP navigation back.png.


        To maintain a product, select btn_product-en.png.

    • Delete item

      Select the row of the item and select Delete1.png.

What you can change in the Free text tab:

  • Frame contract and license contract

    1. Place cursor in the text field.

    2. Enter more text or change existing text.

What you can change in the Documents tab:

  • Frame contract and license contract

    1. To add another contract document, select Add.png.

    2. To delete a contract document, select the row and select Delete.png.

    3. To cut a contract document, select the row and select Cut.png.

    4. To swap contract documents, select two rows and select Swap.png.

Terminate product

  1. To create a termination item, create a new license contract or open an existing contract in change mode.

  2. In the Products tab, select btn_terminate_product.png.

  3. In the pop-up, select the row of the product and select Accept.png.


    The pop-up shows only products that are contained in the same license contract or in one of the license contracts that is assigned to the same frame contract.

  4. In the Product positions that can be terminated area, enter the number of terminated blocks in the row of the contract to that the termination relates.

  5. Select SAP navigation back.png.

  6. Save.