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Role usage analysis

Access through: Reports > Reports for ABAP systems > Roles and authorizations > Role usage analysis

The Role usage analysis report shows to what extent the authorization roles of ABAP systems are actually used.


This report gives you information about the authorization role usage on the selected ABAP systems based on the loaded user data, role data, and CCMS statistics data. The role usage is determined in two key figures:

  • The number of users assigned to a role compared to the number of users assigned to the role who actually use the role.

  • The number of transactions included in a role compared to the number of transactions included in the role that is actually executed.

The report also shows the license type for the identified roles that is recommended by Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software and by the selected SAP system. The license type recommendation of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software is based on the ABAP role classification and the license type recommendation of the SAP system is based on the SAP role maintenance (transaction PCFG).

Selection criteria


For performance reasons, you should only select one ABAP data source at a time.

In addition to the standard selections, the selection screen of the report has the following selections:

Options for roles and users

You can select roles and users to limit the report results.

There are more options that are activated by default:

  • Only roles with assigned users limits the report result to roles that are assigned to users.

  • Single roles only with profile excludes single roles that do not have an authorization profile assigned from the report result.

  • No empty composite roles excludes composite rules that do not contain single roles from the report result.

  • Only currently valid users excludes invalid users from the report result.

Options for license types

You can select an ABAP role classification and a license type hierarchy.


The report result shows information about the usage of the authorization roles in two tabs.

The Statistics tab has two simple graphs that show the statistical distribution of the role usage. The first graph shows information about the role usage by users. The x-axis shows the role usage in percentage and the y-axis shows the number of roles. The second graph shows information about the role utilization by transactions. The x-axis shows the transaction utilization in percentage and the y-axis shows the number of transactions.

The Details tab has a table that shows detailed information about the authorization roles. Activated checkboxes indicate composite roles. In addition, the table shows the following information for each role:

  • Number of connected roles

  • License type SAP

  • License type Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software

  • Number of assigned users

  • Number of assigned users using the role

  • Percentage of assigned users using the role

  • Number of transaction codes in the role

  • Number of used transaction codes

  • Percentage of used transaction codes


Underlined table entries indicate that you can select them to show details.

By selecting User in the Details tab, you can show role usage statistics and details of the users assigned to the selected roles. You have more functions to show consumption data, change user master data, and add or change authorization roles.

Functions available in the Details tab:

  • Select Expanded view to show transaction codes in roles individually. Used transactions are indicated by an activated checkbox. Select Compact view to switch to the aggregated view of transaction codes.

  • To see more information about users using transactions of roles, select a row and select User.

    To see the consumption details of a user or to change user master data, select a row and select Consumption details or Change user master data.