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Install authorizations and roles

  1. On the master system, import master role transport from folder '3_Role_Transports|Master'.

    Assign master role to Snow Optimizer users.


    The role /DYNAM/MASTER_ALL contains all authorizations for Snow Optimizer users on the master system.

  2. On satellite systems, import satellite role transport from folder '3_Role_Transports|Satellite'.

    On satellite systems of SAP release 4.6c, import satellite role transport from folder '3_Role_Transports|Satellite_46c'.

    Create RFC communication user and assign satellite role.


    The composite role /DYNAM/SATELLITE_ALL contains all required authorizations for the RFC communication user on the satellite systems, including data loading and changing user master data. To restrict the authorizations on satellite systems to data loading only, the role /DYNAM/SATELLITE_UPDATE can be left out of this composite role.


The roles can be used as delivered or taken as templates for self-developed roles. For more information about delivered authorization roles and objects, see Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software Installation Guide.