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Product license

Access through: Administration > Product license

The Product license feature allows you to show and manage the product license of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.


The use of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software is controlled by a product license. You receive a license file with the product license upon initial installation or license renewal.


You can request a new license file from your Snow account manager.


The license file determines the following parameters for the usage of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software:

  1. Validity

    The period that you can use Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.


    If you use Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software as part of a proof of concept or proof of value, the Proof of Concept / Proof of Value checkbox is selected. This limits the range of functions.

  2. SAP installation number

    The SAP Installation number of the SAP system where Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software is installed (typically the SAP Solution Manager). The installation number is unique for each SAP customer.

  3. Maximum system count

    The maximum number of satellite systems that you can connect with Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.


    If the maximum number of satellite systems is unlimited, the Unlimited checkbox is selected.

  4. License modules

    The features of Snow Optimizer for SAP ® Software are grouped into license modules. You must license these modules individually. The product license controls which modules are active and available.

  5. Users

    The number of SAP users loaded from the connected satellite systems that you can manage in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.

    Each user is counted only once based on the user ID, regardless of how many systems it exists on. Relevant for counting are users that are:

    • valid (start date in the past and end date in the future)

    • locked or unlocked

    • dialog and / or non-dialog users


    You can select to load only dialog users in the ABAP data load reports.

You can load and install the license file by selecting Load license file.png. After installation, an Accept.png icon next to a field shows that the status of a license parameter is OK. If there are problems with the status of a license parameter, the Cancel.png icon is shown next to the respective field.

In the License type pool for users section, you can show the user IDs within a license type pool by selecting User IDs. You can show the clients on which Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software is installed and whether user data exists on these clients by selecting Clients.


You can use a few functions of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software without a product license (see Without license module section in this topic).

License modules

The following sections describe the functions and dependencies of the individual license modules.


The External systems, Cost allocation, and Supermaster license modules are only available in the Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software Premium Edition.

Basic functions

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
ReportsUser list
Matrix user/data sources
Show HR activity status
Show Active Directory info
User reconciliation
Baseline reportsAll
ABAP reportsAll
Note: OpenText license report is not part of the Basic functions license module. This function requires the ABAP systems and Engine compliance license modules.
ABAP systems
Java UME reportsRole and group assignmentsJava UME systems
HANA reportsAllHANA systems
BusinessObjects reportsAllBO systems
S/4HANA Cloud reportsAllS/4HANA Public Cloud
Inventory data reportsClient applications from external sources
Cross-functional objectsAll
Note: ABAP role classifications additionally requires the ABAP systems license module.
Duplicate searchAll
indirect usageUser reconciliation
User master data maintenanceAll
Change listsView/maintain change lists
Archived change lists
System measurementAllABAP systems
Warning functionsAll
Note: Warning thresholds engine usage and Send warnings engine usage require the Engine Compliance license module.
AdministrationConnection status data sources
Template manager
Overview jobs
Data ABAP systemsUSMM license type systematic
Check availability statistics dataABAP systems
External systemsData admin external systemsExternal systems
Inventory dataAll
Note: Delete inventory data does not require a license module.
Data loading
Active Directory dataLoad data from Active DirectoryData loading
Active Directory object list
Data admin Active DirectoryData loading
SAP informationUpload SAP Engine information
DataSize on DB from DYNAM tables
Export/import of objectsAll
InterfacesFile export SLM
ABAP systems

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
ABAP reportsAllBasic functions
Note: OpenText license report additionally requires the Engine compliance instead of the Basic functions license module.
Cross-functional objectsABAP role classificationsBasic functions
Contract ManagementFile export compliance checkContract management
Indirect usageBatch input session overviewIndirect usage analysis
REF destinations and users
Third-party product namespaces
System measurementAllBasic functions
Data ABAP systemsAll
  • USMM license type systematic requires the Basic functions instead of the ABAP systems license module.
  • Delete non-periodic data ABAP does not require a license module.
Data loading
Note: Check availability statistics data additionally requires the Basic functions instead of the Data loading license module.
Java UME systems

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Java UME reportsRole and group assignmentsBasic functions
Data Java UME systemsAll
Note: Delete data Java UME systems does not require a license module.
Data loading
HANA systems

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
HANA reportsAllBasic functions
Data HANA systemsAll
Note: Delete data HANA systems does not require a license module.
Data loading
BO systems

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
BusinessObjects reportsAllBasic functions
Data BusinessObjects systemsAll
Note: Delete non-periodic data BusinessObjects systems does not require a license module.
Data loading
S/4HANA Public Cloud

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
S/4HANA Cloud reportsAllBasic functions
Data S/4HANA Cloud systemsAll
Note: Delete non-periodic data S/4HANA Cloud systems does not require a license module.
Data loading
External systems

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Data external systemsImport CSV file external systemsData loading
Data Admin external systemsBasic functions
Data loading

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Data ABAP systemsAll
  • Check availability statistics data requires the Basic functions instead of the Data loading license module.
  • Delete non-periodic data ABAP systems does not require a license module.
ABAP systems
Note: USMM license type systematic additionally requires the Basic functions instead of the ABAP systems license module.
Data Java UME systemsAll
Note: Delete data Java UME systems does not require a license module.
Java UME systems
Data HANA systemsAll
Note: Delete data HANA systems does not require a license module.
HANA systems
Data BusinessObjects systemsAll
Note: Delete non-periodic data BusinessObjects systems does not require a license module.
BO systems
Data S/4HANA Cloud systemsAll
Note: Delete non-periodic data S/4HANA Cloud systems does not require a license module.
S/4HANA Public Cloud
Data external systemsAllExternal systems
Inventory dataAll
Note: Delete inventory data does not require a license module.
Basic functions
Active Directory dataAll
  • Active Directory object list only requires the Basic functions and not the Data loading license module.
  • Delete Active Directory data does not require a license module.
Basic functions
Rule sets

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Rule setsAll
Engine compliance

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
ABAP reportsOpenText license reportABAP systems
Contract managementSelf-declarations
Warning functionsWarning thresholds engine usage
Send warnings engine usage
Contract management

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Contract managementAll
Note: Self-declarations requires the Engine compliance and not the Contract management license module.
Cost allocation

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Cost allocationAll
Indirect usage analysis

This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Indirect usageAll
Note: Batch input session overview, RFC destinations and users, and Third party product namespaces additionally require the ABAP systems license module.
Change list processing

This license module enables processing change list entries.


This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Change listsTransferred change lists log
AdministrationSupermaster data synchronization
SettingsSubmaster configuration
License intelligence

This license module enables the use of License Intelligence templates.


This license module enables the use of the following functions:

Main functionSubfunctionAdditionally required license module
Snow Optimizer menuOpen dashboards
Without license module

The following functions are not protected by a license file. You can use those without licensing.

Main functionSubfunction
AdministrationData source administration
Product license Snow Optimizer
Product version Snow Optimizer
Data ABAP systemsDelete non-periodic data ABAP system
Data Java UME systemsDelete data Java UME systems
Data HANA systemsDelete data HANA systems
Data BusinessObjects systemsDelete non-periodic data BusinessObjects systems
Data S/4HANA Cloud systemsDelete non-periodic data S/4HANA Cloud systems
Inventory dataDelete inventory data
Active Directory dataDelete Active Directory data