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Maintain dashboards

Access through: Administration > Dashboards > Dashboard maintenance

In Dashboard maintenance, you can create, change, and copy dashboards.

Create dashboard

  1. Select New.png.

  2. Enter the name and description for the new dashboard.

  3. Select the number of rows.

  4. For every row, select the number of columns and the tiles in the column.

  5. Save.

  6. To switch to display mode, select Switch to display mode.png.

    To see the new dashboard listed, select SAP navigation back.png.

Change dashboard

  1. Select the row of the dashboard.

  2. Select Details.png.

  3. To switch to change mode, select Switch to change mode.png.

  4. Make the required changes.

  5. Save.

Copy dashboard

  1. Select the row of the dashboard.

  2. Select Copy1.png.

  3. Change the name and description.

  4. Make other required changes.

  5. Save.