Standard selections
Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software has various selection screens that have recurring selections regarding, for example, data sources, periods of time, or users.
Select aggregation scheme
Select aggregation scheme
You can select an aggregation scheme to aggregate users by defined criteria.
To automatically fill the aggregation scheme field each time with a set value, you can use the SET/GET parameter /DYNAM/AGGR_SCHEME. To do this, in the SAP menu bar, select System > User profile > Own data and enter in the Parameter tab the parameter ID and value.
Enter the aggregation scheme.
To see available aggregation schemes, select
Select an aggregation scheme and select
Select currency
Select currency
You can select a currency, for example, in Contracts of the Contract management.
Enter the currency.
To see available currencies, select
Select a currency and select
Select data sources
Select data sources
Depending on the connected systems, you can select ABAP, Java-UME, HANA, S/4HANA Cloud, BusinessObjects, and external data sources. You can select reporting groups instead or in combination with data sources.
If you do not select a data source, the report results are based on all data from all connected data sources.
Select a connected data source or a folder.
For multiple selections, select
and select all relevant data sources.
noteBy selecting a folder, you select all contained data sources.
Select a reporting group.
For multiple selections, select
and select all relevant reporting groups.
Select date
Select date
Many reports in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software allow you to select dates to narrow the report results. Depending on the purpose of a report, there a different date types such as period, change date, evaluation date, or measurement date. Some reports require selecting an option for date determination, for example, current date, date of last data load, or manual date.
If applicable, select the date option.
If a manual date is required, enter a date.
To open the calendar, select
Select a date and select
Select license type hierarchy
Select license type hierarchy
A license type hierarchy consolidates users according to their assigned license types.
To automatically fill the license type hierarchy field each time with a set value, you can use the SET/GET parameter /DYNAM/LT_HIER. To do this, in the SAP menu bar, select System > User profile > Own data and enter in the Parameter tab the parameter ID and value.
Enter the license type hierarchy.
To see available license type hierarchies, select
Select a license type hierarchy and select
Select monthly period
Select monthly period
With the selection of a monthly period, you can control what data is shown depending on the selected period.
Select the relative or absolute monthly period.
If you select the relative specification, select the current month or the previous month.
Leave preset twelve past months or enter another number.
noteThe Past months field is related to both options and always considered, regardless of which option is selected.
If you select the absolute specification, enter the period.
To open the calendar, select
Select a period and select
Select notification text and receiver list
Select notification text and receiver list
In many reports that you can run in batch mode, you can select a notification text and receiver list for the success and failure of the report execution.
Enter notification text and receiver list.
To show the available entries, select
Select an entry and select
Select users
Select users
Depending on the report type, you can select users by entering the required user data for all connected data sources or separately for each data source type.
Enter user data.
If available, select
to show the available entries.
Select an entry and select
Select users relevant for licensing
Select users relevant for licensing
Using the Only licensing-relevant users checkbox, you can define whether only users that are relevant for licensing are selected.
For ABAP systems, all dialogue users and technical users with a manually assigned license type are licensing-relevant. SAP standard users, like SAP* or WF-BATCH, are not licensing-relevant. For individual users, the license-relevance can be seen in all reports in which user master data is listed: Users with class type N and X are not licensing-relevant, but all other users are.
The license-relevance only applies to SAP licensing. In Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software, you must license all currently valid users.
To use this selection, you must activate the Roles and authorizations and USMM license type systematic checkboxes when loading data.
The checkbox is activated by default.
To show only licensing-relevant users, leave the checkbox selected.
To show all users, deselect the checkbox.
Select valid or valid and invalid users
Select valid or valid and invalid users
Using the Only currently valid users checkbox, you can define whether only valid or valid and invalid users are selected.
The checkbox is selected by default.
To show only currently valid users, leave the checkbox selected.
To show valid and invalid users, deselect the checkbox.