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Results – Evaluation authorization objects

Access through: Reports > Reports for ABAP systems > Roles and authorizations > Classification authorization objects > Results – Evaluation authorization objects

Access through: Reports > Reports for ABAP systems > S/4HANA Trusted Authorization Review (STAR) > Results authorization object classification

Results – Evaluation authorization objects is a part of the S/4HANA Trusted Authorization Review (STAR) feature in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.


A table lists the results of the User – Evaluation authorization objects and Role – Evaluation authorization objects reports. You can find the evaluation results under the name you entered in the description. The Evaluation users and Evaluation roles columns show if the result is for users or for roles. By double-clicking on a result, you can show the details of the result.

In the details of a user or role evaluation result, select Export for SAP STAR Service to export the report results to a file with encrypted user IDs and blank user names.

  • A single export file is created for each analyzed system.

  • You can optionally encrypt the output files with a password.

In the details of a role evaluation result, select Export Snow Optimizer role classification to create an ABAP role classification from the result.